

Artbank stands for Art and Happiness of what we are finding in Color Therapy and the beauty of the meaning of painting from the soul. Artbank aims to be the world’s conduit for artists, art aficionados and collectors. The Artbank project provides a platform to promote the talents and skills of global artists and their works of art will be known around the world.

In particular, Asia Pacific Artists are able to find the right solution in their skirmishes for our business. Therefore, collectors may find it convenient to view paintings and talk to us to learn more about the artists and artworks before paying.

Artbank offers 24/7 support for those who are genuinely interested in the Art and Painting Collection. In addition, Artbank’s physical studios or online studios will occasionally be exhibited and organized for artists to share their experiences with people who are truly interested in art and learning how to paint.  Locations of Artbank’s workshops and exhibitions can be found on the events page of the website, which is updated monthly.

>> See details: here